Saturday, June 23, 2012

Step 2: Analyze your mistakes

Here's part 2 of the Real Simple article. Part 1 was here.

Like rehashing a bad relationship, this cringe-inducing (yet cathartic) exercise helps ensure that you don't go down the same dead ends again. Ready? take out five things you wish you hadn't bought and ask yourself the questions in step one, plus the questions below. then let go of those items, plus anything else that's not pulling its weight--even if it still has its tags or it will be perfect once you lose 10 pounds or you have friends who throw fancy parties. "Your wardrobe should reflect who you are now," says Kendall Farr, the author of Style Evolution (Gotham, $22.50). "Don't hang on to images of what worked for you 10 or 20 years ago."

  • Do you have anywhere to wear this?
  • Is it high-maintenance?
  • Does it make you feel old and frumpy? Or young and silly?
  • Is it poor quality?
  • Did you buy it for the thrill of the bargain?
  • Did you buy it only because it was trendy?
  • Was it a panic purchase for a big event?
  • Does the color make you look pale? Yellow? Ruddy?
Your answers reveal: Your shopping blind spots. (Write down details about your mistakes so you never waste another cent falling into the same trap.) If your favorite pieces are tailored and crisp,  that's why you're not reaching for the ruffled chiffon top. If sales or the newestrends are your weakness, you don't have to give up clearance racks or Forever 21. But you will wanto hold firm to your "likes" and "dislikes" list.


  1. Such a good list. Over the past year, I have too made a list of things I should avoid. Writing it down serves as a visual reminder.

  2. Yea, I always think I'll remember, but instead I repeat.
